[A] Warm-up
[B] 12 min EMOM
1) 3-5 Strict Pull Ups
1) 3-5 Strict Pull Ups
2) 3-5 Strict HSPU
Done, 3 reps of each exercise
[C] 12 min EMOM
1) 15 yd sled sprint @ 165# + 5 Hang Power Snatch @ 95#
Done, 3 reps of each exercise
[C] 12 min EMOM
1) 15 yd sled sprint @ 165# + 5 Hang Power Snatch @ 95#
2) 10 T2B
3) 6-8 Kipping HSPU
4) 15 yd sled sprint @ 165#
[D] AFAP ** This is for time.
5 sets of 10 Wall Balls 30#
[D] AFAP ** This is for time.
5 sets of 10 Wall Balls 30#