[A] Warm-up
[A] Warm-up
[B] 16 min EMOM
Even: Squat Rep + Superset with 5 squat jumps
Odd: Rest
(60%) 2x9 (#225)
(70%) 2x6 (#265)
(80%) 2x4 (#295)
(85%) 2x2 (#315)
Done- Legs smoked
[C] 3 Rounds for Work
AD- 15 cals (Light recovery)
10 Tricep dips
[A] Warm-up
[B] Bench press 5x2
135, 185, 225, 245, 265
135, 185, 225, 245, 265
Team of 2 6 minute time cap
200 double unders
100 box jump overs
At the 8:00 mark
12 wallballs
Ascending ladder of
Hang cleans (135/95)
*one partner does a whole round
*one partner rests
*both partners have to do the round of 2 reps before moving on to the round of 4 reps.. etc
4:22 + 15+23