[A] AD intervals
30 sec @ 90% (79-81 rpm)
Walk rest 30 secs x 30
Rest 3 mins every 10 sets
[B] CGB 5,4,3,2,1
135, 155,185, 205, 225
[C] Tricep Pull-down
3 sets of 6-8
120, 130,140
Rest 1 min
1 min AMRAP of tricep pull- down (100#)
[A] 20 rep Benchmark
Power Cleans (155#)
Going heavier, went UB 8/4/4/4.
[B] Snatch Work
6 sets- every 90 secs- Snatch Pull + Snatch
[D] Metcon
Run 400m
29 T2B
60 DU
18 T2B
50 DU
12 T2B
40 DU
Run 400m
T2B are difficult to link together. Need more practice with kipping all around.
[E] 50 Ab mat sit up
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
[Monday] 02.24.14 AM BS/Rower + PM Cleans
[A] Back Squats
BS 30X1 x60% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
BS 30X1 x70% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
BS 30X1 x80% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
[B] Row 5K
[A] Cleans
Build 1 10RM- TnG PC (max 5 sets)
145, 150,155,160,165 x6
Forearms are burning. Last 2 on 160 were not pretty. Good form starting off. Need to work being consistent
[B] 5 min EMOM
Clean Pull x1, HPC x 1, TnG Push Press x 3 (60% 1RM)
[C] Metcon
20 KBS (1.5pd)
40 DU
15 KBS (1.5pd)
10 KBS (1.5pd)
20 DU
5 KBS (1.5pd)
10 DU
[A] Back Squats
BS 30X1 x60% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
BS 30X1 x70% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
BS 30X1 x80% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
[B] Row 5K
[A] Cleans
Build 1 10RM- TnG PC (max 5 sets)
145, 150,155,160,
[B] 5 min EMOM
Clean Pull x1, HPC x 1, TnG Push Press x 3 (60% 1RM)
[C] Metcon
20 KBS (1.5pd)
40 DU
15 KBS (1.5pd)
10 KBS (1.5pd)
20 DU
5 KBS (1.5pd)
10 DU
[Friday] 02.21.14 AM Strength
[A] Find 1 RM Strict Press
135, 145, 155
[B] Pendlay Row
6-8 x4; rest 2 mins
135, 135, 145, 155
1st time trying these got eight reps/ set
[C] For Time
20 Pull-ups
I hate pull-ups
[A] Find 1 RM Strict Press
135, 145, 155
[B] Pendlay Row
6-8 x4; rest 2 mins
135, 135, 145, 155
1st time trying these got eight reps/ set
[C] For Time
20 Pull-ups
I hate pull-ups
Thursday, February 20, 2014
[Thursday] 02.20.14 AM Squats + PM GRT
[A] Find 1RM on Squat
135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 3, 315 x 1, 335 x 1
[B] Weighted Dips
3 x 5 (#45)
[C] AD 30 minutes
Get off every 5 minutes and do 5 ab roll-outs
GRT at Cumberland Park with RuckSack #40
[A] Find 1RM on Squat
135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 3, 315 x 1, 335 x 1
[B] Weighted Dips
3 x 5 (#45)
[C] AD 30 minutes
Get off every 5 minutes and do 5 ab roll-outs
GRT at Cumberland Park with RuckSack #40
[Tuesday] 02.18.14 - AM Row Intervals + PM Snatches
[A] Deadlift 1RM
135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 365 x 1 405 x1
[B] Row Distance
Row 3k @ 2:05/500m
Rest 1 min
Row 2k @ 2:04/500m
Rest 1 min
Row 1K @ 2:03/500m
2:01/500m [12.06.3]
1:56/500m [7:55.1]
1:42/500m [3:43.3]
[A] TnG PS Cluster
3.3.3 x 3; Rest 20 sec/rest 2 mins
Medium Load
115, 135, 155
Done- 155 was a good weight on the clusters
[C] 5 min AMRAP
12 walking lunges
The HRPU were hard. TnG the first 3 sets, than chipped away at the other sets. More like a fish out of water.
[A] Deadlift 1RM
135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 365 x 1 405 x1
[B] Row Distance
Row 3k @ 2:05/500m
Rest 1 min
Row 2k @ 2:04/500m
Rest 1 min
Row 1K @ 2:03/500m
2:01/500m [12.06.3]
1:56/500m [7:55.1]
1:42/500m [3:43.3]
[A] TnG PS Cluster
3.3.3 x 3; Rest 20 sec/rest 2 mins
Medium Load
115, 135, 155
Done- 155 was a good weight on the clusters
[C] 5 min AMRAP
12 walking lunges
The HRPU were hard. TnG the first 3 sets, than chipped away at the other sets. More like a fish out of water.
Monday, February 17, 2014
[Monday] 02.17.14 PM Cleans
[A] 8 min EMOM
PC (#205) x 2
[B] Floor Press
3,3,3,3; Rest 2 mins
185,185,195, 205
[C] For Time
Run 400m
15 KBS (1.5pd)
25 Burpees
15 KBS (1.5pd)
x 2
Rest 6 minutes
4:33, 4:21
[A] 8 min EMOM
PC (#205) x 2
[B] Floor Press
3,3,3,3; Rest 2 mins
185,185,195, 205
[C] For Time
Run 400m
15 KBS (1.5pd)
25 Burpees
15 KBS (1.5pd)
x 2
Rest 6 minutes
4:33, 4:21
Sunday, February 16, 2014
[Sunday] 2.16.14 Yard Work + PM Track Session
[A] 20 Rep Benchmark
20 T2B
[B] TnG HC 2,2,2,2, rest 2 mins ( mid-thigh)
Keep Light and Fast
[C] Press Cluster @ 12X2 3.3.3 x 4
Rest 4 minutes
105, 115, 125, 135
Got all reps. 135 got spicy on the end of the 2nd cluster.
[D] Track Session
200m (<:52)
1 minute plank
x 10
[A] 20 Rep Benchmark
20 T2B
[B] TnG HC 2,2,2,2, rest 2 mins ( mid-thigh)
Keep Light and Fast
[C] Press Cluster @ 12X2 3.3.3 x 4
Rest 4 minutes
105, 115, 125, 135
Got all reps. 135 got spicy on the end of the 2nd cluster.
[D] Track Session
200m (<:52)
1 minute plank
x 10
[Friday] 2.14.14 Strength + Metcons
[A] Front Squat 30X1 5,3,3,3,3 Rest as needed
135, 185, 205, 220, 220
[B] 15 min AMRAP
12 BJ (24")
15 Ab-mat sit-ups
Result: 8+ 31
Rest 5 mins
[C] 5 min AMRAP
7 Push Press (#115)
7 C2B Pull-ups
Result 4+7
[D] For time 100 DU
[A] Front Squat 30X1 5,3,3,3,3 Rest as needed
135, 185, 205, 220, 220
[B] 15 min AMRAP
12 BJ (24")
15 Ab-mat sit-ups
Result: 8+ 31
Rest 5 mins
[C] 5 min AMRAP
7 Push Press (#115)
7 C2B Pull-ups
Result 4+7
[D] For time 100 DU
Thursday, February 13, 2014
[Wednesday] 02.12.14 Double Cardio
Ran 3 miles
Row 5 mins @ Z1
Row 500m (1:45)
x 6
Row 2K @ Z1
1:43.9, 1:41.1, 1:42, 1:41.9, 1:42.2, 1:42.3
Ran 3 miles
Row 5 mins @ Z1
Row 500m (1:45)
x 6
Row 2K @ Z1
1:43.9, 1:41.1, 1:42, 1:41.9, 1:42.2, 1:42.3
[Tuesday] 02.11.14 Max Cal + Snatches
[A] AD- Max- Cal in 10 minutes
204 cal
204 cal
[B] Max Time on L –sit x 6
Rest 2 minutes
All :10- :12Horrible experience, need some real work on body weight movements
[A] 20 Rep Benchmark
OHS (#135)
Felt pretty good, and just lost the overhead at 16, finished up the 4. Want to be able to TnG these quick.
Felt pretty good, and just lost the overhead at 16, finished up the 4. Want to be able to TnG these quick.
[B] 8 min EMOM
TnG Squat Snatch x 3 – add weight per minute
95, 115, 125,135
Stopped. Missed- just not feeling these tonight
95, 115, 125,135
Stopped. Missed- just not feeling these tonight
[C] 10 min AMRAP
5 KBS (#53)
5 burpees
5 BJ (30”)10 +13
[D] 12 min AMRAP
10 DL (#155)
20 Air Squats
30 DU
7 +5
Back is burning-- and Air squats were exceptionally slow. Everything else went well
Monday, February 10, 2014
[Monday] 02.10.14 AM Intervals + Hang Cleans
Row 1K (4:00)
Rest 1 min
Row 2K (8:00)
Rest 1 min
Row 2K
Rest 1 min
Row 1K
3:45.7, 7:47.9, 7:44.5, 3:39.1
[A]EMOM 10 min
Hang Clean + clean (start @ 135- build)
135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 185
185 horrible form- stopped there. I do not have enough weight between 170-185
135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 185
185 horrible form- stopped there. I do not have enough weight between 170-185
[B] 60 sec AMRAP
HSPU x 3, rest 3 min btw sets
[C] For Time
Thrusters (#95)
Much harder than I thought.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
[Sunday] 02.09.14- Open 11.3
Church + finishing garage gym. Pictures to come.
[A] Foam Roller
[B] 5 min AMRAP
Squat Clean (#165)
Jerk (#165)
Result: 25
[C] 12 EMOM
Odd: 5 Pull-ups
Even: 12 HRPU
[D] 10 min AMRAP
15 Burpees
60 DU
Results: 3 +38
Shoulder are shot. DU were awful.
Church + finishing garage gym. Pictures to come.
[A] Foam Roller
[B] 5 min AMRAP
Squat Clean (#165)
Jerk (#165)
Result: 25
[C] 12 EMOM
Odd: 5 Pull-ups
Even: 12 HRPU
[D] 10 min AMRAP
15 Burpees
60 DU
Results: 3 +38
Shoulder are shot. DU were awful.
[Saturday] 02.08.14 Long Hunter State Park
Went Rucking with the guys at Long Hunter State Park. 8 miles with #50 and we found a tire. Lucky us!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
[Friday] 02.07.14 AD/BS
[A] BS @ 20X1; 2,2,2,2,2: rest 3 minutes (80%0
[B] AD 45 mins @ Z1
Every 5 minutes get off at perform :20 Plank, :20 R-plank; :20 L-Plank
All against a running clock
Only did 33 minutes. This was the longest I have been on the AD. Hopefully, this gets easier.
[A] BS @ 20X1; 2,2,2,2,2: rest 3 minutes (80%0
[B] AD 45 mins @ Z1
Every 5 minutes get off at perform :20 Plank, :20 R-plank; :20 L-Plank
All against a running clock
Only did 33 minutes. This was the longest I have been on the AD. Hopefully, this gets easier.
[Thursday] 02.06.14 AM Intervals + GoRuck
Row 1K easy
Row 500m (1:45)
Rest walk 2:30 x8 (or until you miss time hack)
Walk cooldown
1:42.9, 1:43.5, 1:44.7, 1:45.1, 1:45.3, 1:45.9
Got 6 before I, I missed the time hack-- Hard, sucked and miserable
Max Number of Push-ups in 2 mins
Max Number of sit-ups in 2 mins
Rucked around Cumberland Park
Row 1K easy
Row 500m (1:45)
Rest walk 2:30 x8 (or until you miss time hack)
Walk cooldown
1:42.9, 1:43.5, 1:44.7, 1:45.1, 1:45.3, 1:45.9
Got 6 before I, I missed the time hack-- Hard, sucked and miserable
Max Number of Push-ups in 2 mins
Max Number of sit-ups in 2 mins
Rucked around Cumberland Park
[Tuesday] 02.04.14- AM Intervals + PM Snatches
[A] AD Intervals
AD 30 secs @ 90%
AD 30 secs @ 90%
Walk rest 30 secs x30
Rest 3 mins after 10 sets
Super hard, the last 8 were pretty weak. The monitor does not work, so not sure about the rpm. Not much drive towards the end
[B] Weighted Dips (#45)
3 x 5; rest 1 minutes[C] 1 min AMRAP
Super set no weight Dip
[A] 20 Rep Benchmark
Deadlift- #220
TnG- All the weight that I have
[B]6 sets- TnG HPS + 2 x Squat Snatch; rest 2 mins
95, 105, 110, 115, 125
Missed the second squat snatch
[C] 13 min Cap (If complete AMRAP #195)
20 snatch #75
10 V-sit-ups
15 snatch #95
00 V-sit ups
12 snatch #115
10 V Sit-ups
9 snatch #135
10 V-sit-ups
6 snatch #155
10 V-sit ups
3 snatch #175
10 V-sit ups
Got to 6 snatchs #155- Missed them- Stopped there
Missed the second squat snatch
[C] 13 min Cap (If complete AMRAP #195)
20 snatch #75
10 V-sit-ups
15 snatch #95
00 V-sit ups
12 snatch #115
10 V Sit-ups
9 snatch #135
10 V-sit-ups
6 snatch #155
10 V-sit ups
3 snatch #175
10 V-sit ups
Got to 6 snatchs #155- Missed them- Stopped there
Sunday, February 2, 2014
[Monday] 02.03.14- AM Squats/Row + PM Cleans
[A] BS @ 30X1 x 60% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 1 min
[B] BS @ 30X1 x 70% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 2 min
[C] BS @ 30X1 x 80% 1RM 3 sets of 2; rest 3 min
[D] Row 6K
2:00.5 avg/500m
397 cal
2:00.5 avg/500m
397 cal
[A] Tall Clean 5 sets of 2- Build to a tough double
Rest as needed
135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 165
165 was hard but I got it. Should start a little higher, for a higher weight build.
135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 165
165 was hard but I got it. Should start a little higher, for a higher weight build.
[B]15 min EMOM
3 Squat Clean- Build in weight
135, 135, 145, 155, 165, 185
Stopped at 185- legs are shot. I could of kept going, but its still early in the week
135, 135, 145, 155, 165, 185
Stopped at 185- legs are shot. I could of kept going, but its still early in the week
[C] 4 Rounds for Time
21 DU
[Saturday} 02.01.14- "The Stairway"
![]() |
Looks are deceiving |
Without Ruck
Run to the top of the stairs from the flag pole
20 push-ups
50 step up
Descend the stairs
25 burpees
40 flutter kicks (4-count)
With Ruck
30 ruck thrusters
1 min plank
100m lung
100m bear crawl
100m lung
1 ascent with Ruck-over-head
Ruck the white trail
Saturday, February 1, 2014
[Friday] 01.31.14 -Intervals + OHS/PP
Row 30 seconds @ 85% (~135-140)
Rest 30 seconds
AD 30 seconds @ 85% (75-80 rpm)
Rest 30 seconds
Burpees 30 seconds (8-10)
Rest 30 seconds
x 12
Rest 90 seconds every 4 sets. Burpees were hard. The first two sets I did 10 burpees, the rest were 8. Would like to get 10 every round.
[A] Press Cluster 2.2.2 x 5;rest 10 secs- rest 4 mins
155 was hard, but got it. Had to power rack so I had to clean to get to the press
[B] OHS 40X1 3 reps every 2 mins x 6
Had to snatch 145, due to no power rack. Could of went heavier, but snatch limited the weight.
[C] 5 min AMRAP
5 CJ (#135)
5 BJ 24"
20 DU
Row 30 seconds @ 85% (~135-140)
Rest 30 seconds
AD 30 seconds @ 85% (75-80 rpm)
Rest 30 seconds
Burpees 30 seconds (8-10)
Rest 30 seconds
x 12
Rest 90 seconds every 4 sets. Burpees were hard. The first two sets I did 10 burpees, the rest were 8. Would like to get 10 every round.
[A] Press Cluster 2.2.2 x 5;rest 10 secs- rest 4 mins
155 was hard, but got it. Had to power rack so I had to clean to get to the press
[B] OHS 40X1 3 reps every 2 mins x 6
Had to snatch 145, due to no power rack. Could of went heavier, but snatch limited the weight.
[C] 5 min AMRAP
5 CJ (#135)
5 BJ 24"
20 DU
[Wednesday] 01.29.14 Recovery
1 min AD-easy
1 min FLR
1 min row- easy
1 min crawl
1 min jump rope- singles
x 6
1 min AD-easy
1 min FLR
1 min row- easy
1 min crawl
1 min jump rope- singles
x 6
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