[A] 3 mile jog
[B] 5 Rounds for time
5 Pull ups
7 Ring Dips
10 Push-ups
First 2 rounds on pull-ups were strict. Ring dips were kipping. Would like to work on this number of rounds and eventually do all strict. Dips were the limiting factor here
[C] 50 KBS (#53)
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
[Monday] 07.28.14 Barfield GRT PT
[A] 800 m jog
[B] 50 Sandbag Get-ups (#40)
Feel much stronger on these- Almost got 50 in 10 minutes
[C] 40 Mutant Makers (#60)
[D] Sandbag Stamina
Length of field
Throw sandbag as far as possible on right side (#60)
Lunge to sandbag
Throw sandbag as far as possible on left side (#60)
Lunge to sandbag
Rinse and Repeat
Recover by walking with sandbag to start
Bear crawl the same length
[A] 800 m jog
[B] 50 Sandbag Get-ups (#40)
Feel much stronger on these- Almost got 50 in 10 minutes
[C] 40 Mutant Makers (#60)
[D] Sandbag Stamina
Length of field
Throw sandbag as far as possible on right side (#60)
Lunge to sandbag
Throw sandbag as far as possible on left side (#60)
Lunge to sandbag
Rinse and Repeat
Recover by walking with sandbag to start
Bear crawl the same length
Monday, July 21, 2014
[Monday] 07.21.14 GRT in Barfield
[A] 10 mins of Sandbag Get-ups (#40)
[B] 10 Rounds
2 Curtis P's (#60)
10 push-ups
15 flutter kicks (4-count)
[C] From pavilion to fence line
Sand bag throws (#60)
Lunge to sandbag
[A] 10 mins of Sandbag Get-ups (#40)
[B] 10 Rounds
2 Curtis P's (#60)
10 push-ups
15 flutter kicks (4-count)
[C] From pavilion to fence line
Sand bag throws (#60)
Lunge to sandbag
Sunday, July 20, 2014
[Sunday] 7.20.14 Track Session
[A] 6 Rounds
400m (1:45 goal)
20 lunges (10/per leg)
200m jog
20 squats
Rest 1 min
1:45, 1:41, 1:43, 1:43,1:47, 1:49
Pretty fatigued and worn down after the 4th round. Good work in today!
[A] 6 Rounds
400m (1:45 goal)
20 lunges (10/per leg)
200m jog
20 squats
Rest 1 min
1:45, 1:41, 1:43, 1:43,1:47, 1:49
Pretty fatigued and worn down after the 4th round. Good work in today!
[Saturday] 7.19.14 5 Mile Ruck with #60
Pouring down raining this morning @ 5:30. Perfect time for a ruck? YES!
5 mile with #32 ruck and #30 Bulgarian sand bag.
1:13.13 (Made the 15min/mile)
Soaked boots and cloths before starting aka just stand outside for 2 minutes.
Developed a hot spot on right pad near big toe. No blister but pain for 2 hours after the march. May look into a new pair of shoes. I have had these for over a year and probably over 1,000 miles.
Pouring down raining this morning @ 5:30. Perfect time for a ruck? YES!
5 mile with #32 ruck and #30 Bulgarian sand bag.
1:13.13 (Made the 15min/mile)
Soaked boots and cloths before starting aka just stand outside for 2 minutes.
Developed a hot spot on right pad near big toe. No blister but pain for 2 hours after the march. May look into a new pair of shoes. I have had these for over a year and probably over 1,000 miles.
[Wednesday] 7.16.14 GRT Cumberland Park
Training is shifting from majority crossfit to majority GoRuck, in preparation to a Heavy and possibly a future HCL.
45 minutes of rucking with #60
Heavy Standard Test
2 min max push ups: 54
2 min max sit-ups: 54
1 hour of PT in the park
Training is shifting from majority crossfit to majority GoRuck, in preparation to a Heavy and possibly a future HCL.
45 minutes of rucking with #60
Heavy Standard Test
2 min max push ups: 54
2 min max sit-ups: 54
1 hour of PT in the park
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
[Monday] 07.14.14 PM Metcon
[A] Warm-up
[B] 8 min EMOM
3 x HPC (#165)
[C] Build to a tough set of 6x TnG P&J- In 15 minutes
165, 175, 185, 195, 205
[D] 3 Sets @ 90%
8 PC (#135)
10 Pull-ups
:54, :58,: 1:21
Pull-ups are so bad.
[A] Warm-up
[B] 8 min EMOM
3 x HPC (#165)
[C] Build to a tough set of 6x TnG P&J- In 15 minutes
165, 175, 185, 195, 205
[D] 3 Sets @ 90%
8 PC (#135)
10 Pull-ups
:54, :58,: 1:21
Pull-ups are so bad.
[Friday] 07.11.14 Bowie Nature Park- Perimeter Trail
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Bowie Nature Park, utilizing the summary on the app ramblr |
County: Williamson County
Latitude: 35.581761
Longitude: -87.081709
Distance: 4.5 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Population: Fairly busy
Address: 7211 Bowie Lake Rd.
Fairview, TN 37062
Phone: (615) 799-5544 Ext. 1
Blaze: Red
Directions from Nashville:
Head west on I-40 until Exit 182. Take a left onto Highway 96 heading south east, until it dead ends. Veer right onto Highway 100, straight into Fairview. Go for 1.3 miles and take a right, passed France, Scott Fetzer Company, onto Bowie Lake Rd. Continue straight, passing the playground on your left, until you reach the parking lot.
Other Trails
1.) White Pine Trail (0.49 miles)
2.) Bluff Trail (0.27 miles)
3.) Twin Lakes Loop (0.76 miles)
4.) Sycamore Springs Trail (.56 miles)
5.) Loblolly Loop (1.2 miles)
6.) Redbud Trail (0.24 miles)
Other Information:
Horseback and Mountain bike trail access fee is $2.00 if outside 37062 zip
The park is gorgeous and has many amenities to offer, including horseback, hiking, mountain biking and plenty of activities for kids to learn, explore and play in the tree house playground area.
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Entrance to park |
The entrance to the perimeter trail is right across the street, near the power lines and dirt road, if you park near the kiosk. The trail is blazed red and is well marked throughout the course.
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Start of the trail from the parking lot |
There are multiple junctions where it splits into shorter trails and loops. The first junction will be White Pines Trail, continue straight. Shortly, from there you will encounter a back-to-back junction. Stay left on both junctions to bypass, the Redbud trail and Dome Loop Trail. The of the trail will take you to a dirt access road following power lines.Once you get the end parking lot, continue straight and follow the lake around the south side to get back to the original starting point.
Trail Map: City of Fairview Parks Department
[Thursday] 07.10. 14 Flex Fitness- McKenzie, TN
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
[Wednesday] 07.09.14 PM Flex- Fitness Wokrout
[A] Warm-up
[B] 20 min AMRAP
200m row
12 DB Snatch #65
12 BJ (24")
7+200m row
[C] Semi Anna
Heavy Rope DU
Strict Sit-up
[D] 10 min on ski machine
Get off every 5 minutes from 1 min FLR
[A] Warm-up
[B] 20 min AMRAP
200m row
12 DB Snatch #65
12 BJ (24")
7+200m row
[C] Semi Anna
Heavy Rope DU
Strict Sit-up
[D] 10 min on ski machine
Get off every 5 minutes from 1 min FLR
[Monday] 07.07.14 Barfield GRT Sandbag PT
Sand-Bag PT with #60
Run to fence line
20R/20L Buddy SB toss
10 Thrusters
Run to fence line
10 Circular SB Buddy pass
10 Goblet Squat
Run to fence line
10R/10L SB PU Slides
20 back-toback rotational pass
Run to fence line
Sand-Bag PT with #60
Run to fence line
20R/20L Buddy SB toss
10 Thrusters
Run to fence line
10 Circular SB Buddy pass
10 Goblet Squat
Run to fence line
10R/10L SB PU Slides
20 back-toback rotational pass
Run to fence line
[Friday] 07.04.14 Marathon
[A] 2 RFT
400m run
26 DL (#185)
400m run
26 BJ (24")
400m run
26 KBS (1.5 pd)
400m run
26 Ring push-ups
400m run
26 atomic abs
400m run
26 DU
[A] 2 RFT
400m run
26 DL (#185)
400m run
26 BJ (24")
400m run
26 KBS (1.5 pd)
400m run
26 Ring push-ups
400m run
26 atomic abs
400m run
26 DU
Friday, July 4, 2014
[Thursday] 07.04.14 PM Metcon
[A] PC Ladder
3, 3, 3 (85% of 1RM #190) Rest 90 seconds between reps
2, 2, 2 (90% of 1RM #210) Rest 90 seconds between reps
1,1, 1 (95% of 1RM # 220) Rest 90 seconds between reps
[B] 4 RFT
24 KBS (1.5 pd)
12 Ring Rows
6 PC (#185)
400m run
[A] PC Ladder
3, 3, 3 (85% of 1RM #190) Rest 90 seconds between reps
2, 2, 2 (90% of 1RM #210) Rest 90 seconds between reps
1,1, 1 (95% of 1RM # 220) Rest 90 seconds between reps
[B] 4 RFT
24 KBS (1.5 pd)
12 Ring Rows
6 PC (#185)
400m run
Thursday, July 3, 2014
[Tuesday] 07.01.14 PM Metcon
[A] 10 EMOM
PS x3- Build
135, 135, 140, 140, 145, 150,150, 155, 165, 175
[B] Max T2B UB x 3
8, 10, 12
[C] Max Strict Ring Dips x3 (UB)
10, 8, 7
[C] 10 min EMOM
Odd: HSPU x5 (No pad)
Even: 8 Burpees
Shut it down after missed time on the 4th round. Only got 4 HSPU! So mad, but I just couldn't do another rep.
[D] Tennis for 1 hour
[A] 10 EMOM
PS x3- Build
135, 135, 140, 140, 145, 150,150, 155, 165, 175
[B] Max T2B UB x 3
8, 10, 12
[C] Max Strict Ring Dips x3 (UB)
10, 8, 7
[C] 10 min EMOM
Odd: HSPU x5 (No pad)
Even: 8 Burpees
Shut it down after missed time on the 4th round. Only got 4 HSPU! So mad, but I just couldn't do another rep.
[D] Tennis for 1 hour
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
[Monday] 6.30.14 PM PC Complex + Strength/Flight Simulator
[A] PC + TnG PJ x10- Build to a tough set
155, 165, 175,185 (x8)
[B] Max UB Pull-ups (#25) x3
10, 12, 8
[C] Pendlay Row
95, 105, 115, 125, 135
[D] Flight Simulator
5-10-15- 20-25-30-35-40-45-50.......5 UB DU
Stop after each each set
Messed up between ascending 20-25 (21) and messed up descending 30-35
Overall, not to bad. Had to learn when to rest and shake out the arms. Good work!
[A] PC + TnG PJ x10- Build to a tough set
155, 165, 175,
[B] Max UB Pull-ups (#25) x3
10, 12, 8
[C] Pendlay Row
95, 105, 115, 125, 135
[D] Flight Simulator
5-10-15- 20-25-30-35-40-45-50.......5 UB DU
Stop after each each set
Messed up between ascending 20-25 (21) and messed up descending 30-35
Overall, not to bad. Had to learn when to rest and shake out the arms. Good work!
[Saturday] 06.28.14 PM Metcon
[A] Warm-up
[B] 15 min AMRAP
5 DL (#250)
10 Ring push-ups
20 BJ (24")
40 DU
[A] Warm-up
[B] 15 min AMRAP
5 DL (#250)
10 Ring push-ups
20 BJ (24")
40 DU
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