Sunday, July 7, 2013

Extending Training into Crossfit

Monday, July 8, marks the beginning of a more intense workout regimen, Crossfit. Since, 2010 I have made dramatic changes in my life including: eating healthier, going to classes at the Y, and even running a few half marathons, but I have come to a realization, I would never push myself hard enough to truly make the changes I need to reach the next level.  

Crossfit has become the new Walgreens, there is one on every corner. What makes one better than the next? If you approach it from that stance you are going at it the wrong way.  What you should be asking yourself is, “What am I trying to achieve and is this box, a term used for gym,  able to provide the tools to do so?” Each box is unique in how they execute their program. When I walked into Crossfit Rutherford in Murfreesboro, TN I knew this was the place for me and started right away.

 Here are some reasons I decided to crossfit and where to settle down at:

 [1] Crossfit is more than a workout, it’s a community:

Of course, it was intimidating the first time I walked in, and I knew no one or anything about crossfit, but I was greeted first thing not by the owners, but athletes. You quickly realize how supportive the community is and that everyone there has the same basic goal, to better yourself. I will never have to self motivate myself again.

[2] Find coaches that teach technique

All crossfit affiliates are required to attend a two-day trainer certificate course and receive their CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1). A lot is covered during those days and each person takes something different out the training. Make sure your goals are aligned with their goals and that they are looking out for your best interest. Technique or efficiency is important to me, and before every Strength WoD we perform the movement with a pvc pipe. To many people it may seem redundant, but it’s the foundation of all the movements.
[3] You are your weakest link

I thought I was in pretty decent condition until I tried these workouts. These workouts will humble you and force you to improve on your weaknesses. I have a tendency to avoid  what I suck at when training on my own. Embrace the suck and you will break the barrier that limits progress.  Stop making the weak, weaker by avoidance.

[4] Focuses on functional strength

I used to be a meat head and spend hours in the gym seeing how much I can bench press, yet I could not do a single pull-up. This much time commitment is not sustainable, especially as I look to the future with kids.  I want to have the cardiovascular, strength and stamina to keep up with those little demons. What application of benching 400 lbs will ever come into play?

[5] It’s fun and sustainable

Being a former athlete I have lost my competitive drive. Competition drives people to push themselves to the next level whether its competing with your previous results, or competing with other friends in the class, the workout begins to be fun again.

As I continued to learn new and effective ways to train, I am excited to incorporate the knowledge, skills and support system into my way of life. 

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