Sunday, September 29, 2013

CFR Throwdown

1st Scaled Men's Competition- 1st Place
Crossfit Rutherford held it's 2nd annual Throwdown Saturday. I got the opportunity to meet many of the fellow athletes, who show up at normal hours (not 5:30 am). After 2 months, I got the chance to compete in my first and last Men's scaled division. I am grateful to have the support of friends, family and a great coaching staff.

Row/1 Mile

Row 500m: 1.33.9

1 Mile + previous 500m row: 8:58

Thruster Ladder- 3 Rep Max [Unbroken]
90 seconds between sets
95--> 160: If reach the end max reps within the 90 seconds

160: 17 reps

7 minute AMRAP
Push Press x 5 (#95)
Box Jumps x 10 (24")
Singles JR x 40

7 Rounds + 9

Against a 3 minute running clock
Row (25 cal) {Damper =4.5}
Snatches (#95)
Rest 60 seconds-- Responsible for changing weight
Row (25 cal) {Damper =4.5}
Push Press (#135)
Rest 60 seconds-- Responsible for changing weight
Row (25 cal) {Damper =4.5}
Deadlift (#225)

Total Score = Number of Reps

Snatches= 21
Push Press= 11
Deadlifts= 25

Total = 57

Monday, September 23, 2013

09.23.13: The Chief

Foam Roller

Against a 3 minute running clock, AMRAP:

Power Cleans x3 (#135)
Push Ups- x6
Air Squats x9

Repeat for a total of 5 rounds, resting 60 seconds between sets

R1: 6
R2  5
R3  4+9
R4: 4+3
R5: 5

I went into this Metcon thinking easy, breezy. By the third round I was shot, and was regretting getting up to do this. Much harder than it looks on paper. Glad i got a starting point and look forward to improving in the future. It ended up being a total of 444 reps. WHAT!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

9.20.13: Different Fight Gone Bad

Foam Roller

Three sets for max rep-60 secs each station

Wall Ball (#20)
Power Cleans (#135)
Box Jumps (#24)
Push Press (#95)

R1: 89

From a strategic stand point I messed up. I attempted to go all out on the power cleans, to try and catch some ground. This did me in on the final round. I got most of my points in the box jumps (~25-30 each round) and push press (20-30 each round). I should of went all out on those and paced through the others. I guess the name of the game is ALL OUT, but realistically....

Thursday, September 19, 2013

09.19.13: Stupid DU

Foam Roller

Skill Work
10 minutes of skill
5 minutes of pull-ups: 30 sec on/30 sec off
5 minutes of Pistols: 5 each side using green band

3 RFT:
Deadlift x10 (#275)
Hand Release Push ups x15
DU x30

Tried using the Rx jump rope with the intermediate rope. Way to heavy for me to get a good, quick twist of the wrist. I need a lighter rope.

R1: Deadlift 10x TnG/15 HRPU/ DU= attempts
R2: Deadlift 5TnG-5s/15 HRPU/ DU=attempts
R3: Deadlift 5TnG-5s/15 HRPU/ DU=attempts

Results: 7:22

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

09.17.13: 5 minute Intervals


Four sets of:
In 5 minutes, run 400 meters and then AMRAP of the couplet:

10 KB Swing (#24)
10 Push ups

Rest 5 minutes between sets:

R1: 4+10
R2: 3+16
R3: 3+ 8
R3: 3

Had no energy today. I started a paleo diet on Monday and I am already feeling sluggish. We have an In house Throw-down next Saturday, so I am going to continue to eat my carbs. Following the competition I am going back to strict paleo for 3 weeks to get a metabolic baseline.

09.16.13: EMOM 3/6/9


5 Sets of:
Deadlift x3 Reps @ 90% (#285)
Resr 2-3 minutes between sets

10 min EMOM
Power Snatch x3 (#135)
V-Ups x6
BJ x9 (23"

R1-R5- Rx
R6-R8 PS x2/V-ups x6/BJ x9
R9: Rx-missed time by 4 secs

Most people hate EMOM because there is no score or rounds to count. It humbles me to push myself without having to rely on time. It's all about Endurance!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

09.14.13: Dairy Hill Stampede 5K

Shirts, finisher medal, and 2nd in age group [20-29]

I enjoyed the Diary Hill Stampede 5K benifiting the Farm Animal Coalition of Tennessee [FACT]. We had Team Co-op representing, as always. I ended with a 23:59 (7:44) and got 2nd in my age group. Not bad for not training since the marathon in April. Not a PR, but pretty close. It was a small run, but I am proud to win my first age division reward. The best part of the race was the chocolate milk. It was processed from the cows at the MTSU dairy. Talk about creamy...yummy!

Friday, September 13, 2013

09.13.13: MetCon


Still super sore from Wednesday Hero WoD. The lower back is stiff even after a little foam roller, but it seems like everyone else was feeling the same way. Looking forward to a short 5K race in the morning and perhaps a Saturday WoD, if time permits.

Foam Roller
Row 1000k

Results: 3:35

Three sets of:
Strick Presses x 8-10 @ 75% 1 RM (#135)

Results: 8/6/5
Shoulder are torched, just did as many as possible without dropping the weight.

Three sets for max reps:
45 seconds KB Swing (#70)
15 seconds Rest
45 seconds of Burpees
15 seconds Rest
45 seconds of push press (#95)
Rest 2 minutes

R1: 17/14/19
R2: 16/14/11
R3: 16/15/13

Results per Round: 50/41/44

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

09.11.13: 12 Years Later- We Still Remember!


I still remember so vividly that morning. I was in second period as a sophomore in diversify tech when the TVs were turned on the event. At the time I understood what was going on, but I didn't understand what it truly meant. As I get older, wiser, and more understanding of the simple things in life, it's times like today that make me reflect and proud to live in America. We stood together as a country, and warded off terrorists. That day many lives were flipped upside down and this wod is in honor of those who had fallen, but never forgotten.

Hero WoD "343"

For the 343 firefighters who lost their lives serving

Deadlift (#145) x 100 reps
Power Cleans (#95) x100 reps
Snatches (#65) x100 reps
43 Burpees

Results: 33:10


Headed down to Cumberland Park for a little GRT with Ivan, Jeff and Le. Normal things, different day. We did high intensity exercises with sets of 21 to signify 9-11-01. With our Rucks on of course, bear crawls, smurf jacks, monkey thrusters, crab walks, etc....

Monday, September 9, 2013

09.09.13: Team WoD + 30 Day Burpee Challenge

Arise Student Ministries logo
30 Day Burpee Challenge
This challenge is easy...well the Rules are simple, lets just say that! One the first day you complete as many burpees in 3 minutes. Each day, for thirty days you add 5 burpees. These can be completed all at once or, partitioned throughout the day

9.08.13: Completed 47 burpees in 3 minutes!

Let the fun BEGIN! Do you want to accept?


3 Sets of:
Deadlifts 10 reps @ 75% 1 RM (#245)

Then in teams of two, partners alternate rounds to complete AMRAP in 15 minutes

Wall Ball x10 (20 lbs)
Burpees x10 reps
KB Swings x10 (70)

This was the first time I did KB Swings with the 32kg, and boy did it hurt so good. I guess from here on out anything with 10 reps I have to use the big boy weight now!

R1: WB 10/ B 10/ KBS 10
R2: WB 10/ B 10/ KBS 10
R3: WB 10/ B 5/5/ KBS 10
R4: WB 10/ B 5/5/ KBS 6/4
R5: WB 10/ B 10

Results: 4 Rounds + 10/10