Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The Workout

3 Rounds for Time:

5 Hang cleans (115)
10 Push-ups
5 Sumo deadlift (115)
10 Dips
5 hand cleans (115)
10 Burpees

Results: 11:12

Thursday, April 5, 2012


The Workout

5 Rounds for time:

10 db bench press (40)
10 db swings (45)
10 Sumo deadlift (80)
10 crunches on bosu ball

Time: 11:39

Monday, April 2, 2012

Modified Diane

The Workout

Deadlift- 135

Time: 3:37

This is a modified version of Diane which is deadlifts at 225 and hand-stand push ups. I am still unable to do a hand-stand push up so hence the reason for regular body weight ones. Also, I am not wanting to bulk up just yet still have a half marathon to run in 3 weeks.